Investments, finance, subsidized credit and tools for growth. This and much more in the conference promoted by ANGI – National Association of Young Innovators in collaboration with the Offices of the European Parliament in Italy which will be staged tomorrow Thursday 6 June starting from 9.00 at the prestigious setting of the Europe Experience in Rome at Piazza Venice 6.
A moment also of great educational value on tools related to fundraising to accompany businesses, startups and innovative projects of young people and professionals in the sector. Exhibiting data, numbers of the ecosystem and investment opportunities are the main market players including: CDP – Cassa Depositi e Presti, Simest, InfoCamere, MCC – Mediocredito Centrale, European Investment Bank, Lazio Innova, Invitalia, Enea and the structure PNRR of the Presidency of the Council.
The opening speeches will include: Carlo Corazza, Director of the EP Offices in Italy; Francesco Marcolini, President of Lazio Innova; Gabriele Ferrieri, President of ANGI.
Followed by the panel on tools for growth and innovation ecosystem with speeches by: Antonio Pascarella, InfoCamere Services and Business Directorate; Laura Micciché, Head of European Programs at CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti; Ilaria Rubbini, Investment Officer – Cleantech Equity and Growth Capital European Investment Bank; Marco Cantalamessa, Chief Marketing & CEO Staff Officer at SIMEST Spa; William Nonnis, Technical Operational Manager for digitalisation and innovation at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, PNRR Mission structure.
Followed by the panel on access to credit and technologies to support research with: Gaetano Coletta, head of the Operational Management of Technology Transfer (GOTT) ENEA Agency; Marcello Ferraguzzi, President of the Odcec Subsidized Finance Commission; Pierpaolo Proietti, Development Finance Directorate – Mediocredito Centrale SpA; Massimo Calzoni, INVITALIA Services Promotion and Support Manager.
Finally, voices from the world of investments, operators from the world of incubators and accelerators, skills and internationalization with: Giuseppe Incarnato, CEO of IGI Investimenti Group; Marco Travaglini, Founder of Mama Industry; Federico Belli Peekaboo Startup Community; Massimiliano Albanese, Apices President, UCI Federal Secretary and Head of International Relations at the Mauritian Academy; Serena Torquati, Startup Mentor and Science Communicator; Antonio Guadagnino, President and Co Founder Paradigma Exponential Hub; Domenico Giudici, Business Development Europe and Institutional Relations Next Srl; Luigi Capizzi, CFO and Founder Southside.
“We are pleased to be promoters as ANGI – National Association of Young Innovators in collaboration with the Offices of the European Parliament in Italy for this new important initiative which through the voice of the main Italian and European organizations will illustrate all the tools aimed at the growth and support of businesses and startups. It is essential to have adequate knowledge of these tools and above all to be aware that the institutions are alongside professionals and businesses to accompany their growth path”. Thus Gabriele Ferrieri President of ANGI.