Meta said former President Donald Trump will no longer be subject to strict scrutiny for content violations on his Facebook and Instagram accounts. Previously, even a small infraction could result in a full suspension of Trump’s account, a penalty that would not be applied to other users for similar infractions. Now, with the Republican National Convention approaching, Trump will be treated like any other user. “As we evaluate our responsibility to allow free political expression, we believe the American people should be able to hear from presidential candidates on a fair basis,” Nick Clegg, Meta’s president of global affairs, said in a company blog post. He added that previous restrictions on Trump’s accounts “were in response to extreme and extraordinary circumstances and are no longer necessary.”
No politician has tested it like Trump. The company dramatically suspended him, along with other platforms, after January 6, 2021. In early 2023, Trump was allowed back on Facebook and Instagram, but with tight oversight: Meta said “further content violations” could lead to an account suspension of up to two years. Since June 30, Trump has resumed regular posting on Facebook, sharing videos of his rallies and attacks on President Joe Biden. Trump currently has 34 million followers on Facebook, compared to Biden’s 11 million. On Instagram, Trump has nearly 25 million followers, compared to Biden’s 17.1 million.
This policy shift by Meta reflects a balance between content moderation and the right to free expression, especially in the run-up to the presidential election. The decision to treat Trump like any other user is seen as a step toward normalizing his interactions on social media, while ensuring that all candidates can communicate directly with voters without undue restrictions. Meta will continue to closely monitor content posted by Trump, as it does with all users, to ensure it adheres to its community guidelines. However, fair treatment is intended to ensure that political debate remains open and accessible, while giving the public a full view of the candidates’ opinions and statements.