On January 9, 2025, Netflix will launch “Ilary”, a revolutionary series that promises to reveal new aspects of the life of Ilary Blasi, one of the most beloved faces of Italian entertainment. Directed by Tommaso Deboni and written by a team made up of Romina Ronchi, Peppi Nocera, Ennio Meloni and Jacopo Ghirardelli, the series is produced by Banijay Italia and promises to be an unprecedented journey into the private and professional lives of Ilary Blasi.
“Ilary” stands out for its innovative format that combines elements of reality, documentary and drama, offering viewers a complete and compelling television experience. The five-episode series promises to be an explosive mix of emotions, laughter and lightness, while maintaining a profound reflection on Ilary’s most intimate feelings.
Here is the official trailer with which Netflix presents the new series
The series boasts the participation of numerous guest stars such as Federica Sciarelli, Michelle Hunziker and Nicola Savino, who will help create unique and memorable moments. Each episode will explore different facets of Ilary’s life, from behind the scenes of television events to her personal lifepassing through casual encounters with friends and family moments.
“Ilary” will also follow the new projects and challenges that the presenter finds herself facing, such as her first steps in the world of cinema, cooking lessons, and even enrolling in university to realize her dream of becoming a criminologist. Each episode will offer a new adventure, demonstrating the versatility of one of the most beloved faces of Italian television.