ICICI Bank Credit Card : If you have a credit card of ICICI Bank then this news is important. ICICI Bank has blocked about 17 thousand credit cards. The bank said details of about 17,000 recently issued credit cards (Credit Card Data) All the cards have been blocked after the issue of connecting with wrong users came to light. However, the private sector bank said that there is no information about any misuse of any card in this case. But he said that he is ready to compensate the customer for any financial loss incurred.
Details of users started appearing
According to a source, the credit card numbers of new customers of the bank were mistakenly linked with the cards of some old customers. Due to this glitch, selected old customers started seeing the complete details of new cardholders on the bank’s mobile app. There was discussion on social media about this mistake of the bank since Wednesday evening. However, now it has been rectified. Due to wrong ‘mapping’ the old user of the bank was able to see the complete information about the new credit card customer.
New cards will be issued
An ICICI Bank spokesperson said that the credit cards affected by this problem are only 0.1 percent of its total card portfolio. All these cards have been blocked and new cards will be issued to the customers. According to the statement, no case of misuse of any of these cards has been brought to our notice. However, we assure that in case of any financial loss the bank will give appropriate compensation to the customer.
Very less possibility of wrong transaction
Some experts believe that despite wrong mapping, the chances of transactions happening through credit cards are very less. The reason for this is that any Indian online website will send a message to send one-time password (OTP) to the mobile phone of the new customer. This case of irregularities related to ICICI Bank’s credit card has come to light just a day after the Reserve Bank of India took strict action against Kotak Mahindra Bank. The Reserve Bank has immediately stopped Kotak Mahindra Bank from adding new customers online and issuing credit cards for continuous violation of IT rules.