Houthi announced on the Telegram messaging app that the force was targeted by the US aircraft carrier warfare group led by the aircraft carrier USS Harry S.truman with missiles and unmanned aircraft (UAVs), making this attack “the third attack within 48 hours” in the north of the red sea, according to AFP.
Meanwhile, an American defense official said Houthi “continued to spread false lies and false information”. The official also said that Houthi was “famous for false statements to lower our attacks while exaggerating their successes”.
Houthi raided American aircraft carrier, threatening to continue
An American Air Force officer previously said that “it was difficult to confirm” Houthi’s attacks claimed because the force had missed the target of “more than 160 km”.
Houthi called the attack on the aircraft carrier group of USS Harry S.truman as an retaliation for American air strikes.
On March 15, US President Donald Trump announced that he ordered the army to conduct a large -scale military campaign targeting Houthi in Yemen. The US Department of Defense said the air strikes were aimed at more than 30 locations and involved the fighter aircraft launched from the USS Harry S.truman aircraft carrier in the Red Sea.
USS Harry S.Truman aircraft carrier
Houthi -operated medical agency confirmed that the US air strikes conducted on March 15 killed at least 53 people and injured 98 people.
The Al-Masirah channel operated by Houthi and Saba news agency reported new US air strikes on the evening of March 17 in Hodeida and Al-Salif areas. Also, page Huthi Ansarollah Reported to the new US air strikes targeting Yemen’s capital Sanaa in the early morning of March 18.
The DPRK has condemned the recent US air strikes into Yemen as an act of violating international law and sovereignty of a nation, and said that such a move never justified in any way, according to the KCNA news agency on March 18, quoted the Korean Ambassador to Yemen Ma Dong Hui.
Mr. Trump launched Houthi air strikes, threatening ‘unprecedented hell’
The Ma Ambassador also accused Washington to target ordinary people and “indiscriminate” assets by mobilizing air and navy forces, including a carrier. “I expressed a deep concern about the US illegal and reckless military actions, the country was obsessed with the realization of geopolitical ambitions … And I condemned and strongly opposed such actions,” the Ma Ambassador emphasized.
There is no information about the US reaction to the statement of the Ma Ambassador.