In 2022, Netflix and Sony announced a TV adaptation of the video game series “Horizon,” with Steve Blackman, known for “The Umbrella Academy,” serving as showrunner. However, the fate of the series is now in doubt following allegations of workplace misconduct against Blackman. According to Rolling Stone, the publication that broke the story against Blackman, both “Horizon” and another sci-fi series in the works, “Orbital,” are no longer moving forward. It’s unclear whether the projects will continue without Blackman or have been scrapped entirely.
A spokesperson for Blackman responded to the allegations, saying that the showrunner has a “long, ongoing and close relationship with Netflix” and that he continues to work on new projects. He also said that Blackman and Netflix signed a new multi-year deal earlier this year. However, it remains unclear whether Netflix will continue to work with Blackman after allegations of discriminatory behavior surfaced during the four seasons of “The Umbrella Academy” from several people who worked with him. Many of the allegations were made anonymously out of fear of professional retaliation, but Jesse McKeown, co-showrunner of the fourth season of “The Umbrella Academy,” has spoken publicly about Blackman’s behavior, joining the chorus.