Health Insurance Tips: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was recently attacked with a knife in his house, after which he had to be admitted to the hospital. Now he has been discharged from the hospital and has gone home, but during his treatment, the discussion on one matter intensified, that is the matter of medical insurance. Initially, a claim of Rs 36 lakh was presented by Saif Ali Khan to the insurance company, after which he got the approval of Rs 25 lakh. This incident has not only told about the importance of health insurance, but has also alerted what things should be kept in mind in health insurance so that the claim gets approved as soon as possible.
The remaining amount will also be released soon
In this case, insurance company Niva Bupa had issued a statement saying that as per the terms of the policy, the remaining amount will also be released after the final bill is deposited. The statement said that as one of our policy holders, his hospitalization processed a cashless pre-authorization on his behalf, which we approved to start the treatment.
Why is health insurance important?
The incident that happened with Saif Ali Khan makes it clear that a medical emergency can happen to anyone at any time, for which health insurance becomes necessary. You can imagine that people like Saif Ali Khan also have health insurance, who already has no shortage of money. But it is very important to know every detail about the claim process in advance, so that last-minute stress can be avoided. Be it an emergency or a matter of planned treatment.
Where can you get health insurance
In today’s era, many private companies offer health insurance. Apart from this there is also a government scheme. Currently, Niva Bupa, Star Health Insurance, Narayana Health Insurance Limited, Care Health Insurance, Aditya Birla Health Insurance are prominent among them. Apart from these, important government schemes like Ayushman Bharat, Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana, Employees State Insurance Scheme etc. Besides, state governments also provide schemes related to health insurance.
Most important: do not hide any information
While taking health insurance, do not hide any information about your illness from the company. If you have had or are suffering from any serious disease like sugar, BP, thyroid, then tell about it also. If any operation has been done then give information about it also. If you are already on any medication, please mention this also. If you have hidden the information then it is possible that the claim may be rejected during treatment.
Compare Claim Settlement Ratio
Whatever company you want to take health insurance from, definitely check its claim settlement ratio. Get detailed information about this from the company. After this compare it with the claim settlements of other companies. The one whose claim settlement is higher should be given priority.
What will be covered?
If you are taking health insurance, then first find out which diseases and other things will be covered under it. Along with the policy, companies also offer some additional covers, get information about them.
These 12 tips will be useful
- Choose the type of plan as per health needs
- Choose adequate sum assured amount
- Choose a plan close to the desired coverage based on your needs
- Prefer plans without sub-limit/co-payment
- Choose plans with shorter PED waiting period
- Choose plans with restoration benefit and annual health checkup
- Choose plans with comprehensive coverage for pre- and post-hospitalization expenses
- View policy list of exclusions
- Select the plans with desired riders and add-ons
- Choose an insurance company with a high claim settlement ratio
- Be sure to check the reputation of the insurance company
- Compare multiple health insurance policies
(source: policybazaar, IRDAI)