BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis is set to take oath as the 18th Chief Minister of Maharashtra today, ending a two-week impasse over who will lead the state following the Mahayuti alliance’s surprise victory in the November 20 assembly elections. Prominent BJP leaders including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah will attend the swearing-in ceremony to be held at 5 pm at Azad Maidan in Mumbai.
This will be the third term of 54-year-old Fadnavis as Chief Minister. He initially held the post from October 2014 to November 2019 and became the youngest CM of Maharashtra at the age of 44. However, after Shiv Sena split from BJP, his second term lasted only for five days from November 23 to 28, 2019.
Apart from Fadnavis, two Chief Ministers including NCP leader Ajit Pawar will take oath today.
According to reports, Shiv Sena leader Eknath Shinde, who was initially hesitant to step down as chief minister, has now agreed to serve as the deputy chief minister and is expected to take oath today.