Gold Price Today: The price of gold remained stable at Rs 79,150 per 10 grams in Delhi’s bullion market on Friday. In the last trading session, except Thursday, gold prices were seen softening for the first 3 days of the week. Whereas on Thursday it closed with a rise of Rs 300 at Rs 79,150 per 10 grams. The price of gold with 99.5 percent purity also remained stable at Rs 78,750 per 10 grams on Friday. After rising in the last three trading sessions, today the price of silver fell by Rs 300 to Rs 93,500 per kg. On Thursday it closed at Rs 93,800 per kg.
Prices of metals increased in foreign markets
Talking about international markets, the price of one ounce of gold in Comex was trading at $ 2,659.60 an ounce, up by 0.42 percent compared to the previous trading session. The price of silver also jumped by 0.62 percent and was trading at $ 31.73 an ounce.
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How can the bullion market be in the coming days?
Jatin Trivedi, Research Analyst and Commodity and Currency Vice President, LKP Securities, said that gold prices on MCX registered a marginal rise as the market awaited the important non-farm payroll and unemployment data to be released in the US this evening. . He said that these data are important in shaping the interest rate decisions of the Federal Reserve. In such a situation, the price of gold may continue to rise.
HDFC Securities Senior Commodity Analyst Saumil Gandhi said that better than expected macroeconomic data in the US may force the Federal Reserve to stop interest rate cuts this month, which may have a negative impact on gold prices. On the other hand, lower than expected economic data could push gold prices higher.