Globo and Record are in a behind-the-scenes dispute. The broadcasters are talking to family members of actor Kayky Brito to convince him to give his first interview after the accident he suffered last month in Rio de Janeiro.
The Rio broadcaster wants Brito to join Fantástico, while Edir Macedo’s TV wants to talk to the interpreter as the culmination of coverage of the case, which has invested with exclusive information weekly on Domingo Espetacular.
Globo is the one that has been most insistent. In addition to the greater audience on TV, since Fantástico is the audience leader, there is the repercussion factor that weighs heavily and the lighter coverage that the broadcaster has given to Kayky Brito’s case, avoiding controversies that could spill over into personal life.
Domingo Espetacular also talks, but without great optimism. There is a family discomfort with the coverage of Domingo Espetacular, which would be invading Kayky Brito’s personal life line.
Last weekend, the Record program showed images where the actor appears drunk and is prevented by Bruno de Luca, his friend who was with him at the time of the accident, from being with another woman. The video would have caused a crisis in Kayky’s marriage.
In recent months, Fantástico has invested in hot interviews with celebrities. In August, for example, actress Larissa Manoela revealed details of the fight she had with her parents over her assets.
Talks about controversial topics involving famous people have always been on Domingo Espetacular’s radar as well.
Kayky Brito and his family are in no rush to choose when he will speak or give an interview. The focus is on your recovery, which continues at home with physiotherapy sessions.