Maninder Singh, former CEO of Religare, has been arrested by the Economic Offenses Wing (EOW). Also, Narendra Kumar Goushal of Ork Finance Limited has also been arrested. The agency has taken action against the two in connection with the Rs 2397 crore scam related to M/s Religare Finvest Limited.
The team of Economic Offenses Wing arrested Maninder Singh and Narendra Kumar Goushal from the Greater Kailash-II area. The ED is also investigating the Religare scam case.
The matter was being investigated by the Economic Offenses Wing (EOW) of Delhi Police. Religare Finvest had given the approval to give an unsecured loan of hundreds of crores of rupees to shell companies, while these companies themselves did not ask for loan.
Earlier, he was granted bail in the money laundering case from Delhi High Court after tightening legal scrutiny on the promoter of Fortis Healthcare, Shivinder Mohan Singh. He was also accused of rigging the funds of Religare Finvest Limited. While approving his bail, the Delhi High Court had asked him to submit his passport along with filling a personal bail bond (surety bond) of Rs 1 crore so that he could not go abroad.
Explain that in the Religare scam, the team of Economic Offenses Wing has also arrested five other top officials.
In March this year, the Reserve Bank of India rejected the offer for sale to TCG Advisory Services of Religare Finvest Ltd (RFL) and Religare Housing Development Finance Corporation, its two partners of Religare Enterprises.