Restaurant In Local Train: Local trains of Mumbai are a very important part of life for the people living there. From early morning till night, the public uses it every day to reach their destination. Videos of Mumbai’s local trains are often seen on social media, which are mostly seen packed with the public, in which sometimes there is no space even to step foot. Many times people can be seen traveling hanging in these viral videos. Recently, another video of Mumbai’s local train is going viral on social media, in which two bloggers are seen serving refreshments to the passengers by opening a small and temporary restaurant in a bogie of the local train.
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Mobile restaurant in Mumbai’s local train
Surely this question must be arising in your mind, how can this happen? Restaurant in local train…it may be difficult to believe, but by watching this video viral on social media platform Instagram, you will get answers to all the questions. It is being told that, first of all two youths made some invitation cards of this restaurant named ‘Tasty Ticket’. After this, these cards were distributed to the people sitting at the railway station, then according to the date written on the card, the restaurant was also opened. It is being told that in the opening of this restaurant, free meal i.e. free food was provided to the passengers.
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People reacted like this
It can be seen in the video that, first of all, both the youth are serving Jalebi to a passenger by putting oregano on it. Similarly, Maggi is also served with ketchup. Not only this, sweet dessert is served at the end and feedback is also taken from the people at the end. The video is being watched and liked a lot, on which users are giving different types of reactions. One user wrote, ‘At which station will you meet me brother?’ Another user wrote, ‘Where do such ideas come from?’ The third user said, ‘Brother, why do you never look at me?’