On 9 October in the Tumkur district of Karnataka, a Judicial Magistrate First Class directed the police to register an FIR against actor Kangana Ranaut. This was done by the court when a lawyer named Ramesh Naik L came to him and alleged that the authorities have not acted on the actor with tweets against his farmers.
Ramesh has objected to Kangana’s September 21 tweet, in which @KanganaTeam wrote on farmers opposing agriculture-related bills.”The people who spread misinformation and rumors on CAA and the riots, these are the same people who are now spreading misinformation on farmer bill and spreading terror in the country, they are terrorists.”
Ramesh contends that the tweet has been instigated with the intention of spreading riots and he has filed a petition under section 156 (3) of the CrPC. This section says that any magistrate empowered under section 190 can order an inquiry by a police officer.
Ramesh had demanded that sections 153A of the IPC against the Magistrate Kangana Ranaut (causing enmity, hatred in different communities through words), section 504 (intentionally dishonor with intent to violate the peace) and section 108 (a Order to register an FIR under the person’s provocation for a crime).
Farmers are opposing them against the three agricultural bills passed in a ‘controversial’ manner from the Parliament. Farmers and their groups are also against these laws in Karnataka.