A picture is becoming increasingly viral on social media in which Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra can be seen with her husband Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Marie Jonas. This picture is being shared on social media and it is being claimed that Priyanka Chopra has reached the Mahakumbh being held in Prayagraj with her family.
After sharing the viral picture on Facebook, it is written in Hindi language caption that ,Priyanka Chopra has reached Prayagraj for Mahakumbh 2025, one of the largest religious gatherings in the world. Starting from 13 January to 25 February, lakhs of people gather for prayers and holy bath in this event. While Priyanka’s career keeps her busy throughout the year, she always makes time for her roots and meaningful experiences. “She is currently working on exciting projects, including her upcoming role in the Citadel series, as she continues to blend her global success with her Indian roots.”
Facebook’s viral post link here See.
Fact Check:
After investigating the newsmobile, we found out that the viral picture is not from recent times.
The picture going viral on social media looked a bit old to us. After which we investigated to know the truth. We first started searching for viral photos through Google Lens. During the search, we found a viral picture published on a website called UP18news on March 21, 2024. an article Found in.
According to the article, this viral picture of Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra was taken when she had reached Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh with her husband Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Mary to visit the Ram temple.
To confirm the above information, we started searching more closely on Google. During the search, we found the scene of Priyanka Chopra’s viral photo in a video uploaded on Zee News’ official YouTube channel on March 21, 2024.
In the video obtained above, we can see the scene of the viral photo. The caption accompanying the video reads, “Actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas, along with her husband, singer Nick Jonas and their daughter Malti Marie Jonas arrived in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh yesterday. Dressed in a yellow saree, Priyanka visited Ramlala in full traditional style.”
From the facts found during the investigation, we learned that the viral picture is not from recent times but from the year 2024. When actress Priyanka Chopra reached Ayodhya with her husband Nick Jonas for the darshan of Ram Lala.