A video is becoming increasingly viral on social media, this video is of Bollywood singer Monali Thakur where she is seen standing on a stage, expressing some displeasure with the public present and leaving the stage. The same video is being shared on social media and it is being claimed that Monali Thakur left the stage due to molestation during a concert in Varanasi.
After sharing the viral video on Facebook, it is written in the Hindi language caption that ‘After the kidnapping of film actors Sunil Pal and Mushtaq, Bollywood singer Monali Thakur had to stop her concert in Varanasi due to harassment.Yogi ji talks about Film City but an actor is kidnapped from Uttar Pradesh and the singer has to stop the concert due to molestation.Tell me! How much more efficient law and order do the people of UP want now?
Facebook’s viral post link here See.
Fact Check:
From the facts found during the investigation of Newsmobile, we came to know that the viral video is going viral with misleading claims.
To know the truth of the viral video, we started searching closely on Google through some related keywords. Regarding viral video on Navbharat Times website during search an articleFound, which was printed on December 23, 2024. It was told in the article that there was a live concert of Monali Thakur in Varanasi in which she had attended. The article states that he left the show due to poor management by the event organizers and lack of basic facilities. It was told in the article that later Monali Thakur had also apologized to her fans.
For confirmation, we started searching closely on Google, during the search we found information published on Bollywood Hungama’s website regarding the viral video. an article Found in. Please note that the article was published on December 24, 2024.
It was reported that Monali Thakur left her live performance in Varanasi on December 22 after just 45 minutes. The singer told that she had taken this decision due to poor management system and poor stage conditions. Along with this, it was told in the article that he had also expressed concern about the safety of himself and his team.
From the facts found during the investigation, we learned that Bollywood singer Monali Thakur had left the show midway due to poor arrangements.