The Delhi High Court has summoned yoga guru Baba Ramdev while hearing on June 3. The court gave this direction while listening to the petition of Delhi Medical Association (DMA). The DMA, in its petition filed in the High Court, had claimed that Ramdev’s company Patanjali is promoting false information about the coronavirus disease through the Coronil Kit product.
The Delhi High Court orally asked Patanjali’s lawyer to ask Ramdev not to make any provocative statement till the next hearing on July 13.
Ramdev remained in controversies over statements
Ramdev, the founder of Patanjali Group, has been in his controversies regarding allopathy for the past several days. The Indian Medical Association had objected to this after several videos making fun of his allopathy doctor went viral. In a video, Ramdev had claimed – ‘Allopathy is stupid science’.
IMA had demanded to prosecute Ramdev
The IMA had demanded that the ‘Health Minister either accept the allegations and dissolve the modern medical facility or Ramdev should be prosecuted, a case should be registered under the Pandemic Diseases Act’.
The IMA says that in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, doctors associated with Modern Medicine Allopathy are fighting the war shoulder to shoulder with the government. Doctors are seen standing in the first row in saving millions of lives. 1200 doctors have lost their lives in this fight, yet allopathy doctors across the country are trying to save the lives of people. In such times, some people are not looking back in throwing mud on Modern Allopathy Treatment by adopting a malicious and opportunistic stand.
What in the video going viral on social media?
In the video of Ramdev which is going viral on social media, Ramdev is seen saying this- It’s a wonderful spectacle. Allopathy is such a stupid and bankrupt science that first chloroquine failed, then remdesivir failed, then antibiotics failed. Steroids have failed, plasma therapy has been banned and Fabiflu has also failed. People are saying that what is happening after all this spectacle. Fever medicine is not working on any of their corona. You bring down the temperature of the body, but you have the solution for the reason the temperature is coming, otherwise how will you fix it. I am saying a very big thing, maybe some people will dispute this, lakhs of people have died due to taking allopathic medicine. The number of people who died due to not going to the hospital, due to lack of oxygen, more have died after getting allopathic medicine. Allopathy is the cause of death of lakhs of people.
The Morning Express does not endorse this viral video and its content.