Film actress Deepika Padukone, who talks about mental health, is seen spending quality time with her daughter these days after becoming a mother. But Deepika remains connected with fans on social media. Deepika recently expressed her displeasure by sharing the post on her Insta post.
In fact, in his post, he expressed concern over a recent comment made by Larsen & Toubro (L&T) Chairman SN Subramanian regarding the worklife balance of employees, in which in a meeting with employees, Subramanian suggested that employees One must be prepared to work seven days a week to be successful.
Deepika wrote on social media, “Such statements by people holding such senior positions are shocking. Mental health matters” Deepika talked about the mental health of employees through such policies.
This reaction of the actress has come when on Thursday the chairperson of the multinational company Larsen & Toubro advocated working for 90 hours on Sunday. During a conversation with the employees, the L&T chief said, “I am sorry that I am not able to get you to work on Sunday. I would be more than happy if I could get you to work on Sunday. What do you do sitting at home? How long can you stare at your wife?”