Steel wall of the University of Culture, Sports and Tourism
Thanh Hoa University’s VH-TT-DL University Team entered the semi-finals of the football tournament Adolescent The third Vietnamese students – 2025 Thaco trophy in the context is rated superior to competitors from Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry. Coach and coach Nguyen Cong Thanh was unbeaten from the beginning of the tournament, clean sheets 3 in 4 matches and owned a well -trained player.
However, in the semi -final took place at 15:30 today (14.3), Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry was the team that left a stronger impression.
The goalkeeper ThatShone Xaiyasone plays impressively
The southern representative was tightly defended in the first half, then burst into attack to control the game in the second half. Coach Nguyen Cong Thanh acknowledged that the opponent played well, coordinated well and kicked quickly, kicked well.
However, the best version of Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry finally did not win the version under the strength of the University of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Thanh Hoa. Because the northern representative also has a solid wall in the goal called Thatsaphone Xaiyasone.
The Lao boy studied the last year of the University of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Thanh Hoa was impressed. Instead of playing a silent role like the previous matches, Kiodone Xaiyasone has stepped out of light to become the main character in the home team’s victory.
On the penalty shootout, Thatsaphone Xaiyasone successfully kicked the fourth stone thanks to a cold shot. After successful shot, the Lao goalkeeper looked up to the stands with arrogant eyes. Perhaps it was the confidence of thatSaphone Xaiyasone that created a psychological weight, and then in the situation right after that, the temple guard of the University of Culture and Tourism of Thanh Hoa was poured in lightning quickly, blocking the penalty penalty of the opponent.
This is also a decisive saving phase, bringing Thanh Hoa University of Sports and Tourism to the final.

The rescue phase of thatSaphone Xaiyasone’s decision helped the University of Culture, Sports and Tourism to win on the penalty pen
The best goalkeeper in the tournament
The goalkeeper successfully blocked on the 11 m mark was not uncommon in football. But as the goalkeeper Thatsaphone Xaiyasone, just shot 11 m successfully, blocked the 11 m fruit of the opponent, obviously an inspiring story.
Coach Nguyen Cong Thanh affirmed that it was the French Fall for Culture, Sports and Tourism of Thanh Hoa. “I have carefully prepared for the penalty shootout. In the qualifying round, we won the University of Water Resources on the penalty shootout, but we should remember that the University of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Thanh Hoa has broken the first two fruits,” Mr. Thanh recalled.
“It was very strange, because both of you kicked very well in the match, but in the 11 -meter series, the crossbar shot the crossbar. Therefore, the team has prepared people more carefully. The goalkeeper Thatsaphone Xaiyasone has been shooting shootout.

The solid wall of the University of Culture, Sports and Tourism
The key to the strength of thatSaphone Xaiyasone lies in the temperament. The Lao goalkeeper has a calm and cold. He completely owned the penalty area, reasonable in and out of the defense.
ThatSaphone Xaiyasone did not have too many saves, but in return, he chose a very good position to make all situations become light and simple. At the same time with good height and long arms, the temple guard of Thanh Hoa University of Culture, Sports and Tourism becomes “unbeaten fortress” in air dispute situations.
Coach Nguyen Cong Thanh also appreciates thatSaphone Xaiyasone when he asserts: “In this year’s tournament, the goalkeeper Thatsaphone Xaiyasone has made a great contribution in the defense.