Delhi CM Atishi has blamed BJP for the continuous attacks on Arvind Kejriwal’s public meetings, padyatras and rallies and has also alleged that BJP is conspiring to kill Arvind Kejriwal. In fact, the Chief Ministers of Punjab and Delhi have written a letter to the Election Commission of India regarding the continuous attacks on Aam Aadmi Party National Convener Arvind Kejriwal in his public meetings, padyatras and rallies, again demanding his security.
#WATCH Delhi Chief Minister Atishi said, “…there are two players behind this conspiracy – one is the BJP workers who attack and throw stones at Arvind Kejriwal in different parts of Delhi, the other player is the Delhi Police who And comes under Amit Shah. BJP and…
— ANI_HindiNews (@AHindinews) January 24, 2025
Delhi Chief Minister Atishi said in a press conference, “Delhi Chief Minister Atishi said that the attackers are being protected by the BJP and Union Territory Delhi Police. A big conspiracy is being hatched. There is a conspiracy to kill Arvind Kejriwal and there are two players behind this conspiracy – one is BJP workers who attack and throw stones at Arvind Kejriwal in different parts of Delhi, the other player is Delhi Police who Comes under BJP and Amit Shah. A conspiracy is being hatched to assassinate Arvind Kejriwal with the connivance of BJP and Delhi Police…”
Know what is the whole matter
CM Atishi said, on October 24, Arvind Kejriwal was attacked in Vikaspuri under the nose of Delhi Police. When we went to check on social media, the attacker turned out to be a Bharatiya Janata Party worker. Delhi Police did nothing. Arvind Kejriwal was attacked again on November 30, when he was going for his public event in Malviya Nagar and there was an attempt to manhandle him and assault him.
He said, “After this, on January 18, stones were thrown at Arvind Kejriwal’s car in New Delhi Assembly constituency. In such a situation, the alliance between BJP and Delhi Police is coming to the fore. Yesterday the attackers reached Arvind Kejriwal’s car in Hari Nagar, Delhi Police did not stop them. In the history of the country, there has been such a Z Plus security protectee that stones were thrown at his car and the police did not come. Delhi Police comes under Bharatiya Janata Party and Amit Shah ji. Bharatiya Janata Party and Amit Shah have only one objective to stop Arvind Kejriwal by any means.”