Thinking about how to solve a need for any service for a person or a community made Osmar Cortés and his four partners design Aynid, a company that offers internet marketing services that connects specialists and professionals with their future clients. The company, which began its journey in 2018, aims to make an extensive range of options available to any user through an application.
“aynid is an application that works as a digital directory. You enter the application, search for a required service and it searches for the available options near you through Maps and then you can choose what is best for you, be it distance, response time, price, comments or rating”, notes Osmar, one of the founding partners who, together with Víctor, Noé, Daniel and Raymundo, makes it possible for the company located in Santa Cruz del Astillero in El Arenal, Jalisco, to fulfill its function. “The idea arose with Víctor -who studied marketing- and Daniel -who is a programmer-, then I joined and little by little we integrated Raymundo and Noé. We would get together and get to work to move the ideas forward.”
For Osmar it is not the first venture, since five years ago he opened a marketing agency to put his knowledge in International Business into action. Your field is consulting and you have found a successful opportunity. “We have had continuous work and received economic reward; customers have grown, some come and go, others stay, but we are growing. We are growing, two of Aynid’s partners are also part of this project”. For this reason, he knows that once the platform is socialized among users, they will find the success they expect, since we all need the support of some service such as plumbing, design, banquets, legal advice, dental or medical health, and for this the application does difficult work, the choice rests with the user.
Osmar and his partners are the example of what an entrepreneur must overcome in order to have a personal project. Everyone has a fixed job responsibility and acknowledges that this has slowed down the Aynid process a bit, In addition to having a “cushion” that allows the necessary investment in each stage of development is essential to be able to move forward.
For Osmar, the biggest challenge is to lose fear of what will happen as entrepreneurs, and that does not allow success in all companies with several partners involved. “The security of having a job and a secure income is important, but you have to dare to interact with potential clients, believing in yourself is important. Sometimes we don’t believe the positive comments, we let them go and get hooked on the negative ones. And sometimes that limits you to be an entrepreneur”.
In this company created by young talents, where five different criteria that complement each other converge, effective communication has been key, and a lot has to do with the fact that in addition to different professional skills that add to the project, they are people who have always known each other in the place in which they grew up “We know how to treat each other, we know when someone does not like something, communication is the most important thing in all relationships; We always had that advantage: communicate everything up front and reach points of agreement. Self-criticism is very important, sometimes we sin from ego and that harms growth”.
Osmar shares that an important part of growing up is believing and taking risks. He recognizes that in order to be able to undertake, it is essential to have resources to start each of the stages of a business and saving is essential, but beyond accumulating resources, one must know how to invest them. “I think that I am a good saver but I lack the culture of investing money, it is the best way to make it grow. The next challenge is to dare to dedicate one hundred percent of my time to these personal projects, I believe that the most valuable resource that we all have is time. If we ever want to achieve important things, we have to invest time in what we want”, and for this reason, the end of the year has him committed to Aynid to make it a successful project.
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