The CoDAU Assembly, the body that brings together the General Directors of all Italian universities, took place today at the Marco Besso Foundation, a crucial event to discuss the main challenges and opportunities affecting the university system. The Assembly was an opportunity for the General Directors to discuss the role of public funding, the simplification of the rules, economic sustainability and the relaunch of research through the resources of the PNRR.
On the sidelines of the meeting Alberto Scuttari, President of CoDAU, declared:”Managing universities means facing constraints and seizing opportunities, adapting to the economic and regulatory context. Despite the difficulties of the past, such as turnover limited to 20% and salary freezes, our commitment has never wavered. Today we can count on an Ordinary Financing Fund (FFO) at an all-time high (+23% on average since 2019, but +5% in real terms) and a further increase in resources has been guaranteed for 2025. However, some critical issues remain that need to be addressed to ensure effective management of universities“.
In detail, the work highlighted some needs:
– Greater financial flexibility
The increase in salaries, also due to the hiring of young researchers thanks to the PNRR, makes the university budget more rigid. It is necessary to make public financing more flexible, so that resources can be allocated where they are really needed.
– Sustainability of student income
Although the number of students has increased, the cap on tuition revenue remains set at 20% of FFO. This limit, while respecting the right to education, is not sustainable in the long term.
– An exceeding of cash limits
Universities cannot fully spend state funding due to strict cash limits, which represent a significant obstacle to administrative efficiency and the implementation of strategic projects, it will be necessary to work to overcome these constraints.
– An enhancement of research and collaborations
Investments in research, stimulated by the PNRR, have allowed universities to strengthen relationships with companies and institutions. This development must translate into a continuity of these relationships which allow universities to recover significant resources.
In conclusion President Scuttari stated: “The current rule system is too rigid and requires targeted simplification. Only in this way will we be able to build a university that is truly in step with the needs of students, researchers and the entire country. CoDAU is ready to make its contribution“.
The CoDAU Assembly closed with the commitment of the General Directors to implement fruitful collaboration with the MUR, other local and national institutions and companies for projects oriented towards the future and innovation, in particular on the topics of Artificial Intelligence .