Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray is going to meet Prime Minister Modi on Tuesday, June 8. It has been told that CM Thackeray will meet PM Modi in Delhi along with a delegation of state ministers. During this meeting, there will be a discussion about the Maratha and OBC reservation including vaccination and the damage caused by the Tauktae cyclone. Along with the CM, Deputy CM Ajit Pawar and PWD Minister Ashok Chavan will also attend this meeting.
A letter was written regarding the vaccination policy
In May last, PM Modi discussed the corona situation with the CMs of different states, in which Uddhav was also involved. But tomorrow Uddhav is going to meet PM Modi directly after a long time. Earlier, Uddhav had also written a letter to the PM regarding the vaccination policy. Thackeray had also demanded to include people from 18 years to 44 years in the vaccination policy. Also, permission was sought to make the vaccine at the Haffkine Institute in Mumbai. However, both these demands have now been fulfilled.
After the lack of vaccine, there was constant pressure on the states. The states were demanding the Center to buy the vaccine and give it to them, but the Center refused earlier. After which Maharashtra, like other states, had issued global tenders for the vaccine. But despite extending the deadline of tender several times, no company’s application was received. Due to which finally the tender had to be cancelled.
However, after the constant demand of the states and the rebuke of the Supreme Court, PM Modi announced that now the vaccine will be given free of cost to the states for every class of people. Under which 75% of the vaccine center will buy and 25% will be able to buy private players of the state.
There will also be talk on Maratha reservation
In this meeting with Prime Minister Modi, CM Uddhav will also discuss the ongoing Maratha and OBC reservation dispute in Maharashtra. The Supreme Court recently ordered cancellation of Maratha reservation and banned OBC reservation in local body elections. Due to which dissatisfaction has spread between both the communities.
Rajya Sabha MP and descendant of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Sambhaji Raje has announced to take out a big rally from Raigad Fort on June 19 for Maratha reservation across the state on the occasion of Shivrajyabhishek. In such a situation, to solve the problem of reservation, the Uddhav government is now trying to put the ball in the court of the central government.
Before this important meeting with the PM in Delhi, NCP Chief Sharad Pawar met CM Uddhav Thackeray at Matoshree’s house. If sources are to be believed, before the meeting in Delhi, a strategy has been decided between Pawar and Thackeray on many issues.
Also, after the recent meeting between Fadnavis and Pawar, the meeting of Uddhav and PM Modi is being considered very important from the political point of view.