Keratopigmentation is a procedure to increase skin pigmentation of the iris, applied in ophthalmology to change eye color to any color you want, according to Pop Sugar.
Blue eye color often receives compliments for its “surreal” romantic beauty, while Asians have other favorite eye colors such as deep brown, amber…
According to Dr. Parisa Jalalat, an optometrist in Long Beach, Canifornia, USA, corneal keratopigmentation (or KTP) is a permanent eye color change procedure also known as “corneal tattooing”. The surgeon will use a needle or laser to apply pigment to the cornea, or front part of the eye, to change the color of the inner iris. Iris hyperpigmentation has been around for a long time and is effective in helping people with deformed or scarred corneas. Although its main function is treatment, the use of this procedure in cosmetic surgery is still controversial due to the risks of surgery.
The use of Keratopigmentation has been around for centuries. According to the magazine Eye, corneal tattooing was first described by a Greek physician about 2,000 years ago. After many upheavals, around the mid-19th century, eye plastic surgeon Louis Von Wecker invented a new KTP method of applying India ink to the cornea.

How is Keratopigmentation performed?
Ophthalmologist Diane Hilal-Campo, Ph.D., says there are many different KTP techniques, including superficial methods, intraepithelial methods, and Femtosecond Laser-assisted hyperpigmentation methods. – a newer technique in vogue with fewer post-operative complications, requiring less recovery time than traditional KTP but still has risks.
“This procedure allows you to choose any eye color you want,” says Dr. Hilal-Campo. “A colleague of mine performed this procedure and gave the patient rainbow-colored eyes. Results This is predictable.
The patient is completely awake during the KTP procedure. After adding the pigment, the doctor will place contact lenses on the eye and the patient wears them for about 2 days to allow the eye to recover. The patient was prescribed antibiotics for 2 weeks to prevent potential infection.
However, this doctor also pointed out that this procedure does not actually change iris pigmentation. Instead, another color pigment will be layered on top to create a different eye color effect than the original color. This can be compared to applying lipstick on top of another lipstick color.

Change your natural brown eye color to Hotchic gray
Who are the potential candidates?
No candidates were considered “good” for this procedure due to its high risk and low “reward” nature. However, KTP is a great option for people who are blind and have cloudy corneas for cosmetic purposes – this was the original purpose of this procedure centuries ago.
Complications and side effects may occur
All surgery has risks, but the American Academy of Ophthalmology warns against undergoing treatment for corneal hyperpigmentation due to the serious complications it carries. Therefore, the safe and aesthetically beneficial way to get your dream eye color is still to use colored contact lenses approved by the FDA and prescribed by an optometrist.

A model uses blue contact lenses
Although the cost is expensive with the average price in the US being over 9,000 USD, it is not FDA approved, but this procedure is legal in the US. And although the results are permanent, the pigmentation may fade over time. Among the colors, blue is the most susceptible to fading because it is the least stable pigment. If you still want to change your eye color and use this procedure despite the risks, Dr. Hilal-Campo recommends seeing a highly skilled, trusted, board-certified ophthalmologist with decades of experience. experience.