The Game Awards 2024 were the stage for great returns: Capcom announced the sequels to two beloved series, Onimusha and Okami. Onimusha: Way of the Sword, the first chapter of the saga in almost twenty years, will take players back to a dark and fantastic feudal Japan, where samurai will have to face supernatural creatures in frenetic combat. Set in Kyoto during the early Edo period, the game will see a lone samurai, armed with the Oni glove, clash with the demonic Genma. It will be released in 2026 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S and PC via Steam.
But the surprises don’t end there. Capcom has in fact also announced a new chapter in the Okami series, which will see the return of Amaterasu and her friends in another exciting Japanese-style adventure. The project, still shrouded in mystery, is directed by Hideki Kamiya, director of the original Okami, and sees the collaboration of several studios, including M-TWO Inc., Machine Head Works Inc. and CLOVERS Inc. Kamiya expressed his joy at Okami’s return, declaring: “I didn’t think the day would truly come when I would return to Okami and continue the story with my own hands. Like a strong rising sun, this project is finally in motion.” For now there are no further details on the Okami sequel, but Capcom promises to reveal more information in the future.