A school in Jogeshwari-Oshiwara area of Mumbai has received a bomb threat. The threat has been given through email. After this incident, security arrangements were increased and immediate investigation of the school premises was started. Mumbai Police sent local law enforcement and explosive disposal team to the spot. No suspicious object has been detected so far.
According to sources, the threatening email claimed that the bomb in the school was planted by “Afzal Gang”. After this email came to light, classes for small children have been canceled while the investigating agencies are thoroughly investigating every corner of the campus.
This is not the first time that incidents of bomb threat have come to light in Mumbai or other areas. In December 2024, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) also received a threatening email in Russian language, in which it was said that the Mumbai office would be blown up. Earlier in November 2024, Mumbai Airport had also received a bomb threat, however after investigation this was proved to be a rumour.
In Delhi too, many schools have received bomb threats through emails last month. Six of these schools were immediately evacuated and investigated, but no suspicious material was found.
Mumbai Police has taken the incident seriously and started investigation. Cyber crime team has been activated to identify the person sending the threat. Officials say the situation is under control and have appealed to the public not to believe rumours.
Amid increasing threats, security arrangements in schools and public places are being strengthened. Police say that all the cases are being investigated on priority basis.