During the Bihar Assembly Elections, the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) has released the Manifesto. In this, along with providing 10 lakh jobs, it has been announced to forgive the debts of farmers. Also, many other special issues have been included in the manifesto. It says that 10 lakh jobs, the abolition of contractual practice, all will be given equal pay for equal work.
According to the manifesto, privatization in government departments will be stopped. Equal pay scale to employed teachers. Executive Assistant Librarian Urdu teachers will be reinstated. Bihari youth will not be charged for filling the government examination form and the government will give the fare for their travel to and fro. The demands of Anganwadi workers, assistants, rural doctors will be met.
Security shaft will be formed
To increase farmers’ income and free their debt, farmers will be given a bonus on the minimum support price for purchasing crops. A new liberal industry policy will be brought. A professional commission will be set up. For the protection of businessmen and fear-free trade, a trade security squad will be formed in industrial areas.
For the first time, 22 percent budget will be released on education. A school will be established in all the blocks on the lines of Netarhat. Every district will have 3 to 5 residential schools along with it. In all government and non-government schools, English and computer education along with mother tongue will be compulsory.
Students laptop
Backward and Dalit students will be given laptops if they get more than 80 percent marks in intermediate. Establishment of quality government engineering medical pharmacy college will be expanded in all districts. Separate toilet arrangements for students in all government schools, sanitary napkins will be given free of cost to school girls.
Permanent job policy
Local policy will be implemented in any government job in the state. At least 85 percent reservation will be ensured for local candidates.