São Paulo
Big Brother USA has barely started and has already caused discussions on social networks. Participant Luke Valentine used the word “nigga” (black, in free translation, of high racist content on North American soil), during a conversation last Tuesday (8) night, and was eliminated by the reality production.
“Luke violated the ‘Big Brother’ code of conduct and there is no tolerance in the house for the use of a racially offensive term. He was removed from the house,” CBS said in a statement. “His departure from him will be covered on the Thursday night show.”
In conversation with colleagues Jared Fields, Cory Wurtenberger and Hisam Goueli, Valentine was heard using the term at the end of a sentence. He then corrected himself, covered his mouth and laughed. At the time, the player tried to say the word “dude” (man, in free translation) in the sequence, to disguise it, but the cameras had caught the error.
This is not the first time that North American Big Brother has been marked by controversy. In season 22, Memphis Garrett was accused of calling David Alexander offensively, with a word similar to “nigga”. After an online petition demanded his banishment from the reality show, CBS launched an investigation. After reviewing the images, the broadcaster confirmed that he had not uttered the term.