Best Return Multi Asset Allocation Funds: Multi asset allocation funds coming in the category of hybrid funds are considered a better investment option during market instability. The most important thing about multi asset allocation funds is that through them, you can take advantage of investment in different assets like equity, date and gold by investing money in the same scheme. Due to this diversification, the risk-returns of these funds are quite good. In the last 5 years, the direct plan of top 5 multi -asset allocation funds has given returns from 14.35% to 27.96%, which can be considered a great performance in terms of hybrid funds.
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Investment strategy of multi asset funds
The focus of fund managers of multi asset allocation funds is also on giving balanced and stable returns to investors even during market fluctuations. For this, these funds in addition to equity, date and gold, also invest in real estate investment trusts (reits) and infrastructure investment trusts. Their investment in equity, date, and gold is at least 10-10%, so that investors keep getting balanced returns even when the market is up and down. These funds keep changing their asset allocation, keeping in mind the market status, so that better profits can be achieved at low risk.
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Top 5 multi asset funds giving maximum returns in 5 years
1. Quant Multi Asset Fund
Average annual return of 5 years:
26.25% (Regular Plan), 27.96% (Direct Plan)
Asset Under Management (AUM): Rs 3,155.88 crore
Risk Level: More (High)
Average annual return of 5 years:
20.05% (Regular Plan), 20.86% (Direct Plan)
Asset Under Management (AUM): Rs 52,086.16 crore
Risk level: Very high (very high)
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3. Uti Multi Asset Allocation Fund
Average annual return of 5 years:
14.72% (Regular Plan), 15.71% (Direct Plan)
Asset Under Management (AUM): Rs 5,009.56 crore
Risk level: Very high (very high)
4. HDFC Multi Asset Fund
Average annual return of 5 years:
14.03% (Regular Plan), 15.46% (Direct Plan)
Asset Under Management (AUM): Rs 3,862.74 crore
Risk level: Very high (very high)
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5. SBI Multi Asset Allocation Fund
Average annual return of 5 years:
13.39% (Regular Plan), 14.35% (Direct Plan)
Asset Under Management (AUM): Rs 7,075.33 crore
Risk level: Very high (very high)
(Source: amfi)
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For whom is multi asset funds better
Multi asset allocation funds can be a good option for those who are looking for attractive but stable returns during the upheaval market turmoil, which get attractive but stable returns. However, even after being considered less risky than pure equity funds, the risk level of most multi -asset funds is ‘more’ or ‘too much’. It is clear that despite having hybrid funds, the market risk is also associated with them. Also keep in mind that there is a difference in equity exposure of different multi-asset allocation funds. So before making any decision on investment, check the details of the scheme thoroughly and keep in mind the ability to take your risk.
(Disclaimer: The purpose of this article is only to give information about the scheme, not to recommend investment. The previous returns of mutual funds cannot be considered a guarantee of performance in the same future. Any decision of investment is the opinion of the Credit Investment Advisor of SEBI Do it only after taking.)