Before the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections, BJP has released the second part of its manifesto. Today, former Union Minister and BJP Anurag Thakur has released the second part of BJP’s resolution letter for Delhi Assembly elections 2025. In the resolution letter, BJP promised free education from ‘KG’ to ‘PG’ to needy students in government educational institutions and financial assistance of Rs 15,000 to youth for competitive examinations and reimbursement of travel and application fees twice. Is.
Releasing BJP’s ‘Sankalp Patra’ for Delhi Assembly elections, BJP MP Anurag Thakur said, “We will provide free education from KG to PG to needy students in government educational institutions of Delhi.” He further said, we will give one-time financial assistance of Rs 15,000 to the youth of Delhi to prepare for competitive exams and will reimburse the travel and application fees twice, this is Modi’s guarantee.
Releasing the second part of the resolution letter, BJP leader Anurag Thakur said that when we imagine a developed India, then developed Delhi has an important role. Our resolutions are to make Delhi developed. We will complete this journey of determination and accomplishment in the next 5 years. Wherever there were BJP governments, public welfare was their priority and center point. Even in the Central Government, we solved the problems of the citizens in collaboration with the states and also provided them facilities.
BJP’s efforts for better today and better tomorrow
He said that if our government is formed in Delhi, we will solve the problems related to health, traffic, electricity, water and transport etc. We will try to give the people of Delhi a better today and a better tomorrow. In the last 10 years, the BJP government has eliminated middlemen and implemented public welfare schemes through DBT. Modi government’s policy towards corruption is zero tolerance.