The world of Pandora will return to the big screen on December 19, 2025 with the next chapter in the Avatar saga, titled “Avatar: Fire and Ash”. The announcement was made during the latest D23 Expo, where director James Cameron, along with the main actors Zoe Saldana and Sam Worthington, revealed new details about the film. Disney revealed a new title and a promotional poster that suggest that the next film will focus on a Pandora engulfed in flames. In addition, concept art was shown of the so-called “Ash People”, a new Na’vi tribe that lives near volcanoes and represents the darkest and most destructive side of the planet’s inhabitants.
While Cameron is still at the helm of “Fire and Ash,” the director has hinted that he may not direct the next two installments of the franchise. While Disney has yet to release any images from the film, Cameron has teased audiences’ interest by saying that while the film may not be what viewers are expecting, it will certainly be something they want to see. Anticipation for the next Avatar installment is already sky-high, with fans around the world eagerly awaiting how the events on Pandora will unfold in this highly anticipated new installment.