On August 17, 2024, an official note announced the debut in Japanese theaters of “Attack on Titan: The Final Chapter – The Last Attack”, the epic finale of the animated series will be transformed by Studio Mappa into a 145-minute feature filmThe feature film should arrive in theaters in Japan on November 8th and in the director’s intentions, Yuuichirou Hayashi, the film version will enhance the visual and audio experience of the final episodes through the use of an advanced 5.1 surround sound system, promising total immersion in the final scenes featuring Eren Yeager. “The goal of turning the final episodes into a film was born from the desire to amplify the emotional and visual impact of Eren’s final actions, taking advantage of the power and immersion offered by movie theaters. This creative choice allows viewers to experience the so-called “Roar of the Earth” in a form never experienced before.” said the director.
The soundtrack, a fundamental element of this cinematic experience, was entrusted to Linked Horizonthe Japanese group already known for having composed much of the music for the original series, one of the most significant and influential anime narratives of the decade. The choice aims to ensure the emotional and stylistic continuity that has characterized the entire series.
Below is the trailer of the film: