Samsung Electronics has announced the arrival of Galaxy AI features on a wider range of devices thanks to the One UI 6.1 update, which was initially reserved for the flagship models of the Galaxy S24 series. Starting in March, users of the Galaxy S23, S23 FE, Z Fold5, Z Flip5 and Tab S9 series have been able to download the update, allowing Samsung to reach a significant number of consumers with advanced AI technologies. The data shows that, since release, there have been 8.8 million downloads of Galaxy AI features, and the company expects this number to grow exponentially.
By the end of 2024, Samsung expects more than 100 million users worldwide to take advantage of the features offered by Galaxy AI, including live translation, live transcription, chat assistant and integrated search functions with Google. Reception of the One UI 6.1 update has been exceptionally positive among European users, with nearly 75% of Galaxy Z Fold5 owners, 80% of S23 Ultra users, and around 65% of Tab S9 users who downloaded the update, making it one of the most popular in Samsung’s software history.
The South Korean giant has scheduled a second phase of rollout for May, which will extend Galaxy AI capabilities to other models, including the Galaxy S22 series, the Galaxy Z Fold4 and Galaxy Z Flip4 foldable devices, and the Galaxy Tab S8 series tablets. This expansion of coverage demonstrates the importance that Samsung attaches to the accessibility and diffusion of AI technologies among its users, with a constant commitment to innovation and technological accessibility.