New Delhi: Amit Shah launched a website to buy duram dal. A seminar was held in Delhi to encourage the country to become self-sufficient in the production of pulses. Union Home Minister Amit Shah said, “The country should become self-sufficient in pulses production. It is essential to make India self-sufficient in pulse production. I assure that the country will be self-sufficient in pulse production by December 2027. The agriculture sector in our country is going through a big change by the farmers.
The government will purchase pulses from you if you are registered with the National Farmers Cooperative Market Federation and the National Cooperative Consumers Federation. This is Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s promise. Government hereby undertakes to procure pulses at minimum support price.
In 2014-15, the minimum support price for pulses was Rs. was 4,350. It is currently Rs. 7 thousand has been raised. Duvaram dal producers are getting good prices due to farmer-centric government measures. A website has now been launched to streamline the procurement of pulses from farmers. The government will purchase pulses from the farmers at the minimum support price or the market price, whichever is higher.
Farmers can register themselves on the website. Apart from this, registration can also be done on the website through Initiative Agricultural Credit Union, Farmers Production Organization. On registration and sale of pulses, the money is directly credited to the bank account of the farmers concerned. In this, there will be no middlemen.
In that sense, this project has been brought as a farmer-centric project. This is the gift of the ambition of self-reliant India. This is a move to regulate better connectivity between the website, farmers, National Agricultural Cooperative Market Federation and concerned government departments.
Usually the government procures rice and wheat. At present procurement of Duvaram pulses has been incorporated as an integrated measure of Green Revolution. This will create a brighter future for Indian agriculture and millions of farmers. The government has set a target to procure 80 percent of Duvaram dal from farmers through this website. “This step has been taken to reduce the import of pulses, protect the country’s food production and ensure future food production,” he said.