Now two names are emerging in the list of buying Air India. Among the bidders, Tata Group and SpiceJet promoter Ajay Singh are the names who still want to buy Air India. According to TOI’s report, the group formed under the leadership of Air India employees director Meenakshi Malik has also not been included in the list of qualified bidders.
Air India may be re-owned by Tata
It is expected that only Air India, the founder of Air India, can be sold once again to the Tata group. Tata is the strongest name emerging among the bidders.
Interrupts withdrew their name
New York-based interrupts had withdrawn their name even before Air India’s bid. At the same time, SpiceJet and Ajay Singh have also not said anything on the Air India bid so far. This means that Ajay Singh is thinking about buying Air India in partnership with someone else on a personal level. Apart from this, there is no public information about any other bids.The government wants the entire disinvestment of Air India to be done by the next financial year.
Employees’ Petition Rejected
Director Meenakshi Malik has written to about 200 bidding employees, stating that the bids of the group of employees have not been accepted and they have been excluded from the acquisition process. Earlier, Interrupts Group of New York claimed that it wanted to bid for Air India along with Air India employees. Interrupts Group Chairman Lakshmi Prasad said that- ‘We tried to support the employees of Air India, but our point could not be made due to the high expectations of the employees.’
Why employees’ bid was rejected
- Expressions of interests and other important documents were not meeting the requirements.
- The audited financial documents of the foreign consortium for three years were not submitted.
- This information was not given in the bid for which foreign companies are investing in the bidder.
- Employees under the leadership of Meenakshi Malik partnered with the Seychelles Group.