At the Mahakumbh Mela in Prayagraj, there was a stampede due to increasing crowd on the Amrit bathing festival of Mauni Amavasya on Wednesday. The news of the death of many people came to light in this stampede and many people have been injured. The rescue operation continues after a stampede -like situation arose in Mahakumbh. To take stock of the situation of this stampede, PM Modi has talked to CM Yogi twice in an hour.
#Watch Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh: Rescue operations continue after a stampede -like situation arose in Mahakumbh. Many people were reported injured in the incident.
– ani_hindinews (@ahindinews) January 29, 2025
Rabindra Puri, president of the Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad, said, “We are very unhappy with the incident that happened. There were thousands of devotees with us… In the public interest we decided that the arena will not participate in the bath today… I appeal to the people to come to bathe on Vasant Panchami instead of today… This incident happened because the devotees wanted to reach Sangam Ghat. , Instead, they should take a dip wherever they see the holy Ganges… ”
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath tweeted and wrote: “Mahakumbh-2025, dear devotees who came to Prayagraj, do not try to go to the Sangam nose, the dear devotees who are near the ghat of Maa Ganga. You should comply with all the administration instructions, cooperate in creating arrangements. Bathing peacefully at all the ghats of Sangam is taking place. Do not pay attention to any rumor at all. “
At the confluence of Prayagraj, in the stampede in Mahakumbh, all the devotees who have lost their lives and have been injured. This incident is highly and worrying. At such a time, give the power to the victims to bear this grief, this is the wish of the party: BSP chief Mayawati
SP chief Akhilesh Yadav wrote in tweeting: “The news of the casualties of devotees in the chanting incident in Mahakumbh is very sad. Homage! There is an appeal to our government that: –
Medical arrangements should be made immediately by delivering the seriously injured to the nearest best hospitals with the help of an air ambulance.
– Arrangements should be made to identify the dead bodies of the dead and send them to their families and send them to their residence.
– Quick efforts should be made to mix them.
– Monitoring should be increased by using the helicopter properly.
-Arrangements should be made to complete the ‘Mauni Amavasya’s royal bath’ amidst safe management, keeping the unbroken-manual tradition of ‘royal bath’ which is going on from the golden age.
We also appeal to the devotees to work with restraint and patience in this difficult time and conclude their pilgrimage peacefully. The government should take lessons from today’s incident and make additional arrangements for the stay, stay, food and other facilities of the devotees. Wish for early health benefits of all those who were hurt in the accident. ”