The future German chancellor, the democratian Friedrich Merz, has overcome this Friday the decisive obstacle to approve his millionaire spending plan in defense and infrastructure. Merz, who prepares to govern in coalition with the social democrats, has obtained the support of the greens, decisive for the two -thirds parliamentary majority necessary for the constitutional reform that will allow indebtedness that could approach the billion euros and that represents a copernican turn in the austerity policy of Germany.
On the other hand for environmental support in the vote planned for Tuesday at Bundestag, Merz has offered a climate fund of 100,000 million euros. The votes of the Democristian Union/Social Cristiana Union (CDU/CSU) of Merz and the Social Democratic Party (SPD) of the outgoing chancellor, Olaf Scholz, were insufficient and the greens had threatened to veto the project if their requests were not attended.
The indebtedness plan, presented last week, consists of a special fund of 500,000 million euros for infrastructure and environmental investments, and a flexibility of the constitutional limit to debt for military spending. This is a qualitative leap in budget policy after years of austerity, and a break, by Merz, with his speech during the electoral campaign.
The future Chancellor justifies the new course for the geopolitical earthquake of the last weeks after Donald Trump’s return in the White House. He considers that neither Germany nor Europe can already trust American protection and that is why they must rearm. And he maintains that the economic crisis, after two years of recession, demands investments of billions to repair and modernize the battered investments.
[Noticia de última ahora. Habrá ampliación en breve].