First discovered in 2014, the S2 meteorite rushed into the Earth about 3.26 billion years ago and was estimated to be 200 times larger than the “junior” meteorite later destroyed the dinosaurs.
New discovery, published on San San Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesarguing that the terrible collision many years ago not only brings destruction to the Earth, but also helps the life rise on our planet’s surface.
“We know the collisions of giant meteors that have happened regularly during the early earth, and these events must have an impact on the evolution of life on Earth in the earth. The first stage
The team of experts has undergone 3 fields of field research in the Barberton Greenstone belt of South Africa to collect local samples.
Based on many years of experience in the laboratory, they determined that the meteorite rushed into the Earth at the time when the planet was born and in the state of a water world with a few continents emerging from the sea.
Which alien life reaches the Earth?
During the field trips, Drabon geologists and colleagues want to search for spherical particles or stone debris after the Event of Meteorite colliding with the ground.
They collect a total of 100 kg of stone and take it to the lab for analysis.
The team of experts found evidence that the tsunami phenomenon stirred up nutrients such as iron and phosphorus.
Professor Jon Wade in the field of planets of Oxford University (UK), said the allocation of iron -rich water layer plays an important role for life begins.
According to Wade experts, iron is the most common element calculated by mass on earth, but most locked in the Earth’s core, at a depth of about 2,900 km.
Despite this fact, the morphology of life must rely on iron to survive. As a result, the Earth undergo a temporary stage of microorganisms by iron, creating conditions for life to appear.