CES in Las Vegas, an important consumer electronics fair, began a few days ago, and with it the curtain rose on a series of rumors regarding the new Nintendo Switch 2 console. Although the Kyoto company has not made any statements official, several accessory manufacturers, including Genki, have presented prototypes based on what should be the new Switch, fueling fans’ expectations. Genki, in particular, showed a physical replica of the console, claiming to have created it based on the specifications provided by Nintendo. The replica shows a console similar to the current Switch, but with a larger screen and magnetic Joy-Cons equipped with a new unlock button. Dbrand, another accessory manufacturer, also unveiled a protective case for the Switch 2, confirming that it has the actual dimensions of the console.
These rumors seem to confirm the rumors circulated in recent months, which spoke of a design similar to the current Switch, but with improved Joy-Cons and more powerful hardware. There is also talk of a possible launch in April, a hypothesis that doesn’t seem so far-fetched considering that Nintendo has promised to reveal the console by the end of the fiscal year, i.e. by March 31st. The abundance of leaks could be a sign of difficulty on Nintendo’s part in controlling the spread of information, or a marketing strategy to fuel the hype: in any case, the wait for the Switch 2 is becoming more and more feverish, and fans can’t wait to see what Nintendo has in store next.