Pushpa 2 Actor Allu Arjun Arrested:Famous Telugu film actor Allu Arjun has been arrested by the police in connection with the stampede that took place during the premiere of his film “Pushpa 2” in Hyderabad. The stampede took place on December 4 and resulted in the death of a 39-year-old woman, M Revathi, while her son was seriously injured. This incident has shocked the film industry and its fans.
Theater management accused of security lapses
Police investigation revealed that the theater management had not made complete arrangements to handle the crowd. There was no separate entry or exit arrangement for the artists in the theatre. During the incident, Allu Arjun reached the theater with his personal security personnel at around 9:30 pm. When he entered the theatre, the crowd also started trying to enter with him. During this time, his security personnel are said to have pushed the public, which made the situation worse.
had already been registeredFIR
Hyderabad Police had registered a case in this matter at Chekkadpally Police Station. The police registered a case against the theater management, the actor and his security team. According to the FIR, the case has been registered under Indian Penal Code sections 105 (punishment for an offense similar to murder) and 118(1) r/w 3(5) (voluntarily causing hurt).
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Hyderabad Police’s Central Zone DCP Akshansh Yadav had said at the time of the incident, “We have registered a case on the complaint of the family members of the deceased. The matter is under investigation and strict action will be taken against the culprits as per law.” The theater owner and two employees have already been arrested.
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#WATCH Telangana: Actor Allu Arjun has been brought to Chikkadpally police station in Hyderabad for questioning in connection with the case of death of a woman at Sandhya theater on December 4.
(Outside visuals from the police station) pic.twitter.com/aFfbKeMbCI
— ANI (@ANI) December 13, 2024
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Allu Arjun taken to police station after arrest
Police arrested Allu Arjun from his house on Friday. He was taken to Chekkadpally police station of Hyderabad Police. The actor had filed a petition in the Telangana High Court to remove his name from the FIR, but the matter has not been heard yet. The woman who lost her life in this accident, M Revathi, was a housewife. She had come to watch the premiere with her family, as her son is a big fan of Allu Arjun. The incident has deeply hurt the family and has raised serious questions on the security arrangements in the film industry.