São Paulo
Larissa Manoela’s breakup with her parents shook Brazil because it touched a truth considered absolute by millions of people: the principle that all parents always want the best for their children.
Most parents do, but not all. And not always.
In the case of the actress’s parents, there is the feeling that they made decisions thinking more about their views and financial interests than about their daughter’s opinion and feelings. Not to mention the shock of learning that Larissa was generating millions with her work and had to borrow a few reais to pay for corn on the beach. It’s so absurd that it became a joke on social media. You can understand why Larissa decided to give up her heritage and start from scratch. Freedom is worth much more than money.
But even that didn’t ease the tension. Even after all the exposure of family problems in the media, which certainly weaken Larissa’s image much more, her parents thought it would be a good idea to discuss the family problem on SBT through a letter that both sent to the program Fofocalizando.
It is clearly seen that they only think about the good of their daughter… (yes, it contains a lot of irony)
For all these reasons, Larissa Manoela’s interview for Fantástico was one of the most anticipated and attended events by the audience. The program, aware of the interest, left the report for the end. It worked, it was the second highest audience of the year, second only to coverage of the January 8 coup episode.
Evidently, the following Monday was filled with comments about the report, opinions of famous people about Larissa’s speech, people defending the parents. There was even a sensitive trying to guess the future of those involved.
But the most amazing thing of all was comparing the reaction of those involved on social media. Larissa posted an affectionate message in a story thanking all the support received. Larissa’s mother’s profile on Instagram was completely modified days before Fantástico aired. All previous photos were deleted and only six posts with religious messages remained. Splash also commented on the profile change.
Looking at the artificial images collected from the internet and the accompanying texts, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. It is a very regrettable thing. Say, 98% pitiful. And 2% sad.