8th pay commission news: The demand to restore a commuted pension of central employees is once again in discussion. At present, this pension is restored after 15 years, but the employee organizations demand that this period should be reduced to 12 years. Employees hope that the government can now consider this issue after deciding to create an 8th Pay Commission. However, no official statement has come from the government so far.
Increasing resentment of employee organizations
Large employee organizations like Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers are constantly appealing to the government to fulfill their demands. He says that the government is ignoring their demands, due to which dissatisfaction among employees and pensioners is increasing. Recently, employee organizations have tried to draw the government’s attention on this issue by performing demonstrations and meetings across the country.
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Big demands of employees associated with 8th Pay Commission
There are many big demands of employees associated with 8th Pay Commission, of which major demands are:
The 8th Pay Commission should be constituted as soon as possible and the demands of the employees should be given place in its recommendations.
The Old Pension Scheme (OPS) should be restored again by eliminating the new pension scheme (NPS).
The amount of dearness allowance (DA) stopped during Coivd-19 should be released immediately.
The restoration period of commuted pension should be reduced from 15 years to 12 years.
The vacant posts should be filled soon by eliminating the limit of compassionate appointments on compassionate basis.
Organizations should be conducted in a democratic manner.
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What is the demand of employees on the restoration of committed pension
Under the current rules, the government cuts the pension of retired employees for 15 years. That is, the amount paid as a lump-sum is adjusted in 15 years by deducting every month. Employees demand that this period be reduced to 12 years, so that retired employees can get full pension quickly. Retired employees say that keeping in mind the rising inflation and expenses, the period of 15 years is very long. If it is reduced to 12 years, then retired employees will get relief.
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What is the government’s stand on the demand of employees?
So far, the government has not made any formal announcement for reducing the restoration period of committed pension from 15 years to 12 years. However, the pressure of employee organizations is constantly increasing and if their demands are not met, they can prepare for a large scale movement. The decision to form the 8th Pay Commission has been decided, but the process of formation of new commission is still in the initial stages. In such a situation, it may be clear in the coming days whether the government will accept this important demand of employees or not.