In this new video of cinema curiosities we review the secrets of Jean Claude Van-Damme’s first great film.
Maybe now CGI and technology allow us to do great crazy things in cinema and simulate great fights that have not really taken place, but there was a time when The actors who participated in these fights were great experts on the demonstrated by Jean Claude Van-Damme in the film Bloody contact.
Released 35 years ago, in 1988 to be precise, this film about an American Marine who decides to leave the army to enter the world of fighting of martial arts in Hong Kong, marked a before and after for the Belgian actor who from one day to the next became known worldwide.
And that, as the years have gone by, it has been discovered that cbloody touch It is not as real as its supposed protagonist presumedsince it seems that Frank Dux never went on a trip with the US army, he was in the reserve, and he also did not work for the CIA, information that does not overshadow Van-Damme’s feat.
Well, although it was bankrupt at the time the film began production, The Belgian did everything in his power to look as “American” as possible. and in addition to cutting his hair, he got wonderful white, perfectly placed teeth like the ones Tom Cruise has always proudly sported.

Will there be a remake of Bloody Contact?
As is usual with the vast majority of films that were successful in the 80s, Bloody contact There was also an attempt to get a remake made.. Announced in 2013, it was going to be directed by James McTeigue, but after a decade, nothing more is known about this film at the moment.
In fact, cbloody touch Yes, he had films in his day that continued his storyor rather, that they worked as a reboot. There were 3 and none of them starred Jean Claude Van-Damme.