The first session of the 18th Lok Sabha begins: The first session of the 18th Lok Sabha has begun. On the first day of the session, Prime Minister Narendra Modi took oath as a member of the House. On the first day of the session, Protem Speaker Bhartruhari Mahtab administered the oath of membership of Parliament. Addressing the media before the opening session of the 18th Lok Sabha, PM Modi said that there is a good number of young MPs in this Parliament. He said that a majority is needed to run a government, while consensus is needed to run a country. He said that his government will try to take decisions with the consent of all and work in the interest of the country.
The PM promised the people of the country that in the third term his government will work three times harder and will bring three times the results. During this, he reminded of the Emergency imposed in the country about 50 years ago. Talking about the opposition, on the first day, at the beginning of the session, a gathering was seen near the Gandhi statue installed in the premises of the Parliament House. The MPs of the opposition alliance INDIA’s constituent parties Congress, SP, DMK and other allies were seen holding the Constitution in their hands. Samajwadi Party MPs Akhilesh Yadav, Awadhesh Prasad and the party’s women MPs were seen wearing red caps on their heads.
Pro tem speaker administered oath to PM Modi and cabinet
On the first day of the session, Protem Speaker Bhartrihari Mahtab administered the oath of membership of Parliament to PM Modi. After this, the Protem Speaker administered the oath to the ministers included in the cabinet of the new government. This time, 58 ministers included in the Modi cabinet are members of the Lok Sabha. Before the start of the first session, President Draupadi Murmu administered the oath to BJP leader Bhartrihari Mahtab, who has been a Lok Sabha member for 7 consecutive times, as the temporary speaker i.e. Protem Speaker at Rashtrapati Bhavan. After administering the oath of membership of Parliament to PM Modi, the Protem Speaker administered the oath to the panel of Speakers appointed by the President. This panel includes Congress leader Kodikunnil Suresh, DMK’s TR Balu, BJP leaders Radha Mohan Singh and Faggan Singh Kulaste and TMC leader Sudip Bandopadhyay. The panel of Speakers appointed by the President to assist Protem-Speaker Mahtab will help in running the proceedings of the House till the election of the Speaker on June 26.
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PM Modi reminded of emergency
PM Modi said that tomorrow is 25 June. On 25 June, it will be 50 years since the black spot on India’s democracy was put. The new generation of India will never forget that the Constitution of India was completely rejected. Every part of the Constitution was ripped apart, the country was turned into a prison. Democracy was completely suppressed. While protecting their Constitution, protecting India’s democracy, democratic traditions, the countrymen will take a pledge that no one should dare to do what was done 50 years ago in India again. We will take a pledge of a vibrant democracy. We will take a pledge to fulfill the dreams of the common man as per the instructions of the Constitution of India.
Rahul Gandhi left Wayanad seat
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has been elected as a member of Lok Sabha from both Rae Bareli in UP and Wayanad in Kerala. Today, on the first day of the session, he proposed to leave the Wayanad seat of the Protem Speaker, which was accepted by the temporarily appointed Lok Sabha Speaker Bhartruhari Mahtab. Now Rahul Gandhi is only an MP from Rae Bareli Lok Sabha seat.